Episode 4 - Cryptids - Could You, Would You

Welcome to History Creeps, a podcast on which Johnny Townsend, Carter Johnson and Chris Chavez dive into the odd depths, strange corners, and mysterious crevices of history, and explore the strange tales and dark stories they forgot to teach you in school.

On this episode of History Creeps, the guys talk about cryptids - but, not in the way you expect. Johnny presents a list featuring the likes of Mothman, Bigfoot, Skunk Ape, the Jersey Devil, and more, and they all discuss whether or not they could defeat them in a fight, and whether or not they would share an intimate night with said cryptid. Yes, you read that right. Now you’ve got to hear it.


Episode 5 - Unusual New Years Traditions Around the World


Episode 3 - An Encounter at Cisco Grove